Photosimulation Services FREE time and cost Estimate
Please contact Steve Ritchie Photosimulation Specialist Toll-free 1-800-955-3028 ph 206.443.9790 ext 39 fx 206.443.9875 email We offer a range of photosimulaiton services. Since each project is unique, the ultimate cost of each project will depend on the specific requirements of the job. Although there are some established rates for certain types of telecom projects. If you would like an estimate for a particular project, please fill in the following form. The form below will give us information we can use to better serve and assist you in Processing your Photosimulation. What kind of project are you planning? Addition/Remodel New Construction Restoration Telecommunications People Interior DesignOther Please provide us with all pertinent information pertaining to your project. Providing the following three parts of information as thoroughly as possible will enable us to provide a more accurate estimate. Item 1. First, color photographs (for scanning 150-300 dpi) or high quality JPEG email attachments. All photos should be labeled 1,2,3 etc. as well as the location from where the photo is taken from (view from NW looking SW etc...) Item 2. Second, plans and elevations (if applicable) sent in mail, faxed or zipped email attachments. The plan form should show from which direction photographs were taken i.e. labeled by view name and any descriptive text that you would like to add etc. Telecom (Elevations should show hardware to be shown, specifying type and size). tem 3. Third, additional information such as markers (post-it notes or photocopies drawn on with pencils) marking specific height, location and size of hardware to be installed. A quick sketch on a photocopy or a post-it note on a photograph (be sure not to damage photo) will work well to illustrate proportions and location. Other information includes purpose of photosim (what is the photosim supposed to demonstrate: Telecom antennaes difficult to see, etc.?). We label the Photosim by direction of view. The Next step. Let us know how you would like us to contact you, we will process your information and give you an estimate within 24 weekday hours, (unless you specify otherwise). How would you like us to contact you: Mail E-mail Telephone call Fax Is there a deadline for this project? If YES, deadline date? Name Company E-mail Tel FAX Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter. Do you have any comments on our services? Web SiteThe FirmThe StaffServicesProjects(Other) Other:
Please contact Steve Ritchie Photosimulation Specialist Toll-free 1-800-955-3028 ph 206.443.9790 ext 39 fx 206.443.9875 email
We offer a range of photosimulaiton services. Since each project is unique, the ultimate cost of each project will depend on the specific requirements of the job. Although there are some established rates for certain types of telecom projects.
If you would like an estimate for a particular project, please fill in the following form. The form below will give us information we can use to better serve and assist you in Processing your Photosimulation.
What kind of project are you planning?
Addition/Remodel New Construction Restoration Telecommunications People Interior DesignOther
Please provide us with all pertinent information pertaining to your project. Providing the following three parts of information as thoroughly as possible will enable us to provide a more accurate estimate.
Item 1. First, color photographs (for scanning 150-300 dpi) or high quality JPEG email attachments. All photos should be labeled 1,2,3 etc. as well as the location from where the photo is taken from (view from NW looking SW etc...)
Item 2. Second, plans and elevations (if applicable) sent in mail, faxed or zipped email attachments. The plan form should show from which direction photographs were taken i.e. labeled by view name and any descriptive text that you would like to add etc. Telecom (Elevations should show hardware to be shown, specifying type and size).
tem 3. Third, additional information such as markers (post-it notes or photocopies drawn on with pencils) marking specific height, location and size of hardware to be installed. A quick sketch on a photocopy or a post-it note on a photograph (be sure not to damage photo) will work well to illustrate proportions and location. Other information includes purpose of photosim (what is the photosim supposed to demonstrate: Telecom antennaes difficult to see, etc.?). We label the Photosim by direction of view.
The Next step. Let us know how you would like us to contact you, we will process your information and give you an estimate within 24 weekday hours, (unless you specify otherwise).
How would you like us to contact you:
Mail E-mail Telephone call Fax
Is there a deadline for this project?
Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.
Do you have any comments on our services? Web SiteThe FirmThe StaffServicesProjects(Other) Other: