PBA+BSA Barnett Schorr Architects + PB Architects                                                       

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PB ARCHITECTS and Bud Schorr of Barnett Schorr Architects have shared office space and resources since 1992.   Joint venture work between the two firms began in 1994.  The Joint Venture is presently providing services for the state of Washington and its renovation of State Legislative Building.  The two firms have just completed the renovation of the Capitol Cafeteria in the Legislative Building and two more cafeteria renovations are in progress for the Department of Services for the Blind and the Highway License Building.   The two firms' combined  backgrounds in Historic Restoration and Renovation has provided the state of Washington with the confidence to retain the Joint Venture for this exciting and prestigious work.


The joint venture is organized into "Design Studios".    The Studio, in effect, acts as a firm within a firm and is assigned to produce a specific project. 

The Studio arrangement provides for continuity of design from start to finish and allows consistent involvement and "ownership" for the individuals assigned to the project.  This organization of human resources allows and encourages open communication and collaboration between the owner, the architect, sub-consultants, and contractors.  Hence, drawing a successful conclusion to the project and providing a real return on the client's investment.

The Studio is completely supported with state-of-the-art technical resources such as AutoCAD 2000, specialized graphics, project management software, and e-mail/fax technology.  New technologies are brought into play as needed.  The resources are seamlessly integrated into our process of communication, design, production , and construction observation.