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Planning Images

Planning and Urban Design

Having completed planning projects for multi-family residences, hotel/conference centers, business parks, restaurants, golf courses, commercial/retail centers/parking garages, economic feasibility studies and others, PB ARCHITECTS excels in its diversity of Project Planning.  From small developments to 1.5 million acre development plans, PB ARCHITECTS has done them all.




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Martha Washington Conference Center

Adaptive reuse from school functions to executive conference center.  Schematic Design and planning of three existing buildings totaling 45,000 sq. ft. on a 2.2 acre site and adjacent 7.8 acre waterfront park on Lake Washington.

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Village Greens

RA Master plan of 80 acres for 1,000 apartments, sports/retail and open space.

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Ship Harbor

Anacortes, WA.  Master Plan and Conceptualization.   A marine recreational & residential development on 160 acres next to the Anacortes ferry terminal.  Consisting of a 530 berth marina, 300 room beach front hotel/conference center, 60,000 sq. ft. retail, 150 condominiums, 50 single family house units.

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Union Wharf

Port Townsend WA. New 65,000 sq. ft. pier, with a 24,000 sq. ft., 45 unit Inn and conference center, 26,000 sq. ft. of retail, tour boat landing and transient moorage facilities, public access residential, 14,000 sq. ft. commercial, 177 cars.